Docker Not Sudo

Issue: Can not stop docker containers, whenever I try to stop containers I get the following Error message,

OS Version/build: Ubuntu 16.04 | Docker Version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4 | Docker Compose version 1.17.1, build 6d101fb
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Created a project with Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml. docker-compose.yml is of version 3.
  2. Images is built successfully with either docker build -t yattya_docker . or docker-compose up --build
  3. Containers boots up and runs successfully.
    4 .Try to stop docker compose with docker-compose down

The docker daemon must always run as the root user, but if you run the docker client as a user in the docker group then you don't need to add sudo to all the client commands. As of 0.9.0, you can specify that a group other than docker should own the Unix socket with the -G option. Extended description. The docker export command does not export the contents of volumes associated with the container. If a volume is mounted on top of an existing directory in the container, docker export will export the contents of the underlying directory, not the contents of the volume.



Export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive


Extended description

The docker export command does not export the contents of volumes associatedwith the container. If a volume is mounted on top of an existing directory inthe container, docker export will export the contents of the underlyingdirectory, not the contents of the volume.

Refer to Backup, restore, or migrate data volumesin the user guide for examples on exporting data in a volume.

For example uses of this command, refer to the examples section below.


Docker Not Sudo File

Name, shorthandDefaultDescription
--output , -oWrite to a file, instead of STDOUT


Docker Not Sudoku Puzzles

Each of these commands has the same result.

Docker Not Sudo Commands

Parent command

Docker Not Sudo Command

dockerThe base command for the Docker CLI.